We know it can be difficult to come up with fun activities to do at home to keep your child busy and engaged. Below are some simple and fun ideas!
Bubble Play: Bubbles are magical and are not only fun but help children learn skills such as cooperation, turn-taking and problem solving.
Here are some recipes for your own homemade bubbles! Just combine ingredients and mix well.
Durable Bubbles Recipe:
2 cups hot water
1/4 cup dish soap
1 (o.25oz) pack of gelatin
2 tablespoons of glycerin
Mile High Bubbles Recipe:
2 cups of warm water
1/3 cup dish soap
1/4 cup corn syrup
Materials To Use With Your Homemade Bubbles:
Food coloring
Large white paper
Wire coat hangers
Pipe cleaners
Plastic bottles
Once you have made your bubble recipes here are some activities you can try with your children!
Make different size bubbles: for tiny bubbles, blow through a straw or tape several
straws together. For big bubbles, cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and
blow through the neck
Bubble burst paintings: Tape large white paper to a surface. Drop food coloring into
different bubble bottles. Blow bubbles in the direction of the white paper.
When the bubble hit the paper and pops, a colorful masterpiece will appear!
How many bubbles can you blow? What color comes out the best?
Checkout this great resource for more activities you can do with bubbles: http://www.truceteachers.org/uploads/1/5/5/7/15571834/truce_bubbles_final_final.pdf