Fort McKay | Anzac | Conklin | Fort Chipewyan
Fort McMurray First Nation #468 | Janvier

The Hub on Wheels

The Hub on Wheels program collaborates with local agencies and community members to provide relevant and accessible activities. Our goal is to ensure all children have access to positive experiences in a fun, safe and healthy environment while they continue to learn and grow. 

Join us weekly for free community play programs and caregiver support circles! These sessions support child development, strengthen community connections, and offer parent/caregiver support. Open to all families with children ages 0-6.

 Check out the community pages for programming schedules.


Thank you to our program and community sponsors for their generous support!

Through the Family Resource Network, The Hub also offers inclusive and accessible, community-based programs that serve the entire family unit ages 0-18. Our Systems Navigator will help connect your children and family to appropriate supports and ensure access to opportunities and resources for improved health, wellness and connection. Our family-focused programming is free and available for all Wood Buffalo residents living in rural communities.

Learn more about Family Resource Network and connect with our Systems Navigator.